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Where has Martha recorded?

Here is a little project I started a year or so ago, got to the point where it is, isn't finished, sigh.

At present it has all of the locations, arranged by region, complete with latitude and longitude.  For each place I have a brief "info box" with the number of visits I've made there, how many songs I've recorded and in what year, sometimes a photo or several, sometimes particularly "interesting" remarks, what blog posts refer to the village.  You access the info box by clicking on the diamond that locates it.

What do I need to do to be able to call it Finished?  Well, for one thing, it's always going to be a work-in-progress.  There are so many things I'd like to add!  Pictures, for example.  Names of singers - or at least of a few.  This could get hugely out-of-hand! which may be part of the reason I've not yet made it "public" - but I think you can see some of it from this link (if you can't, I guess I'll have forced myself to make it public!).  Comments, and suggestions, would be welcome!

2 thoughts on “Where has Martha recorded?

  1. Ceil Wirth

    Thank you, Martha! All of your unfinished projects are obviously on your bucket list (if you have one).


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